Saturday, September 20, 2008

Damon Dash and Jim Jones at the William Rast Fashion Show

Getting video of rappers can sometimes be precarious. Remember the Pharrel video. The guy with Jim Jones (bodyguard?) didn't look too happy that I was video taping him. He looked like he wanted to pull a Kanye on me.

I don't understand what the problem is with some of these guys. The video is for their fans. OK, I'll admit, I'm making a little money out of it too, but aren't they always saying, "Don't knock another man's hustle." I could understand if I was taping them exiting a brothel, but it was a fashion show.

Notice in the video that Damon Dash is talking to a lady who is basically ignoring him. She eventually walks away from him without saying a word to his dismay.

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