Thursday, August 7, 2008

Javier Bardem Leaves "Conan" Arrives at "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" Premier

There was a large crowd of fans, and autograph seekers waiting for Javier outside of NBC studios, so Javier's driver tried to pull a fast one by driving around the corner to the 50th street exit. Thank God a keen eyed observer witnessed the car driving away, and we hotly pursued the car on foot. Shortly thereafter, Javier exited NBC on the opposite side, but only signed one autograph, and quickly got into his car.

Once again we hotly pursued the car to the movie premier - some of us on foot, some of us on the bus, and I personally took the 6 train. We got there minutes before Javier did, and he signed more autographs and posed longer for video and pictures.

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